Saturday, March 1, 2014

Plenty to Not Report

Moth here~

La, la la and such shit. It took me a while to realize Duckie wrote that into ALL of the diaries he collected.

Its two music symbols. A single note followed by two notes connected by one line at both of their heights. I think it reads as something along the lines of 'Ta, Te-Te' in music language.

Apparently its the placement on the music sheet that turns notes from generic ta's and te-te's into la's, mi's, fa's, and du's.

Its all incredibly fucking arbitrary.

I think Duckie used the symbols to denote important information as they shows up several times in every diary. I've noticed on the pages where the musical notes show up, two margin lines on the page have been darkened. I think this was meant to turn the page into a music line.

If I'm right, its the worst fucking cipher ever. The trick to it, is the note placement in relation to the darkened margins has to turn the music notes into La's. I think that is the important info. Pages denoted by the notes but whose margins turn those notes into sounds other than La's are presumably red herrings. Knowing that sadistic fucker, they probably lead to death traps somehow.

Trying to determine if these notes read as La's is a pain in the ass as one note will often be at the top of the page and the other will be at the bottom. Both of which are comparatively way the fuck away from the music bar margins. Apparently, every half line out of the margin denotes a sound too.

It works something like this:


And so on, forever.

So I have to sit here and mark the pages to try to determine if both symbols are denoting la's. And that's assuming all this isn't just me being fucking crazy.

So that's what we're up to. Besides hitting Fracture's operations dressed as feds (Thank you again Picasso for fucking giving that away in the last post. Stupid.), we're hunting down locations from Ducki'e's diary things that we think are being highlighted to us by this ridiculous fucking cipher.

As much as I would hate to let Picasso say much more about what we are up to, that is all that is currently safe to share. We'll let you know if we find anything cool or if I'm just completely off my fucking rocker.

Moth out.

1 comment:

  1. You considr using aome swethrough plastic fpr a template? Might be quivker


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