Sunday, January 5, 2014

Fucking Navi

Haha... looking at the comments... some of this isn't gonna make sense... what with Picasso being alive again and me killing her over and over... Fracture was kind enough to explain it for me though....


It occurred to me after my second failed attempt... hahaha... that I didn't have to kill Navi...

She can't see me killing Picasso. She can't see Picasso! To her it just looks like I'm doing some odd... village people dance move or something... and then suddenly standing up straight for the rest of the day...

Or what would be the rest of the day. Everyday at the same time, regardless of whether or not I've offed Picasso, she asks me to see the laptop. And when she sees my last post, she attacks me and runs offs leaving me maimed and wobbling in a puddle of my own blood.

I've tried denying her access to it but that just makes her mad or suspicious and she takes it from me. If I resist, she takes it by force. If I try to preemptively attack her, she maims me.

I think I could take her if I wasn't so tired... I keep getting reset but I don't feel like I'm getting any sleep... I'm afraid I'm gonna wake up soon and not have it in me to even stand....

Need to break this death loop before its too late...

I recently tried preemptively deleting the last post first thing when we're reset but EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. something happens that distracts me from the laptop (Like Picasso tackling me, or my taking a minute to kill Picasso so she can't tackle me) and when I get back to it Navi is standing over it with her Sword already drawn...

This is actually the first time I've survived her attacking me well enough that I can stop and blog... come to this of it I should go d

Huh. Hes tried to kill me a few times now. We might just have to fix that. I have his corpse...

Picasso, please be alive and see this. I've drawn arrows of blood around the laptop. God I hope that gets your attention. If you should find this, Moth has been killing you. Hes been trying to kill me. His corpse should be right next to this laptop. Open up a tear to the disgusting 'place' you call the path and throw him through it. If he leaves the loop in this state, his death will become permanent.

DONE. That's what you get for KILLING ME you fucker! I trusted you... I...

This hurts... why didn't you just show us that first post explaining what was wrong... you stupid FUCK.

Navi, what about the loop now? He was the only one who could remember what was going on. I can't exactly co-ordinate with you.... I can't fucking SEE you.

Knowing us, we'll totally stop to blog about our concern when we notice Moth didn't make it to the loop with us after the next reset and we forget everything again. Then we'll get on here and see that we killed him.

All we gotta do after that is split up, because we have no choice since we can't see each other, and then come back to the laptop before the day resets to record what we discovered on here. Eventually through trial and error, iterations, and a slow pool of information we should find a way out of here.

Could have covered more ground with Moth... I just... don't understand why he did that...WHY?!

Come on, we have work to do.

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